Teaching at Military

Mission work involves using and giving of all your talents and abilities to make a difference in a life . . .

For years Ted has used his teaching degree to reach hundreds of children in various public schools. For years he would every week split his time to visit three schools forming a triangle with our local school here in Villa Hermosa. In addition, he would help the Villa Hermosa school in extra curricular activities, which put him into contact with even more schools. Somehow, word got out about his teaching and involvement in schools. In 2019 he was contacted by the Second Commander of the First Infantry Brigade from the Army base a couple of miles outside of Flores/ Santa Elena. He met with the General/Comandante and his Coronels and was asked to come to the base to give instruction in English to the officers.

Since 2019 he has been visiting the base 2-3 times a week to give English as a Second Language instruction to both enlisted and non-enlisted soldiers. It is enjoyable helping young men and women to learn something that will only benefit them in the future, whether they continue in the military or when they finish their service.

The military has a program as well for soldiers to complete their high school education. Ted also is teaching English in this area as well. This has opened the doors to talk about God and our beliefs. Daniel now comes on certain days with Ted and helps with the instruction. The students/soldiers really enjoy having Daniel in front of the classroom speaking to them in English and guiding them in pronunciation. When they see Daniel, a little Guatemalan speaking and reading and writing fluently, they see hope through a little child! Kind of like what Jesus requires of all of us.

Ted also helped develop their current computer lab and language facilities, as classes were halted during the pandemic lock down, but the Coronel still wanted to get things done. So, Ted used his construction skills, drew up blueprints, brought workers, hung drywall, built walls, hung the whiteboards, assited with electrical and wrote many solicitations and reports for the Coronel he reported in order for the Coronel to help the English Laboratory become a reality.

Working at the Military Base

This is Ted's third year teaching and ministering at the Military Base in Santa Elena, Peten Guatemala. He loves it!! It's more than just teaching English, math, grammer and any other subject needed. It's building relationship, it's building confidence in these young men's lives and also having the opportunity to share the gospel and plant seeds of faith through God's word.

At the end of the year each solider is required to do a year end project. They decided to write about their lives. Give their testimony if you will. The goal for their final grade is that they can do this speaking in English. Ted helps, guides and translates for them, so if they apply themselves, they will be able to succefully finish the class being able to speak some English. This year and this group of guys has been a profound time of ministry. The young men have opened up to Ted about their past struggles, hardships and goals. This had helped Ted to be able to share and minister to those hurts and needs. He has formed a strong bond with several of them this year. I know this year will be hard to say goodbye at the end of the program.

October and November are evlauations and contract times. We are praying for God's leadership and guidance on whether or not to continue working at the Military Base. We know that God's word tells us in James 1:8 "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. "

Thank you for your prayers for these young men and this ministry to the men who serve the country of Guatemala!