News & Updates

Working at the Military Base

This is Ted's third year teaching and ministering at the Military Base in Santa Elena, Peten Guatemala. He loves it!! It's more than just teaching English, math, grammer and any other subject needed. It's building relationship, it's building confidence in these young men's lives and also having the opportuntiy to share the gospel and plant seeds of faith through God's word.

At the end of the year each solider is required to do a year end project. They decided to write about their lives. Give their testimony if you will. The goal for their final grade is that they can do this speaking in English. Ted helps, guides and translates for them, so if they apply themselves, they will be able to succefully finish the class being able to speak some English. This year and this group of guys has been a profound time of ministry. The young men have opened up to Ted about their past struggles, hardships and goals. This had helped Ted to be able to share and minister to those hurts and needs. He has formed a strong bond with several of them this year. I know this year will be hard to say goodbye at the end of the program.

October and November are evlauations and contract times. We are praying for God's leadership and guidance on whether or not to continue working at the Military Base. We know that God's word tells us in James 1:8 "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. "

Thank you for your prayers for these young men and this ministry to the men who serve the country of Guatemala!


Daniel helping the guys out with their English homework.

Working hard

Día De Los Niños

The first of October is Dia de los Niño but this year it seemed like it lasted all month. We helped and ministered to hundreds of children this year is differnt parts of the area. The public school in Barrio Villa Hermosa, the dojo at Kenpo Karate, Daniel's music school and at the end of the month, the whole community of Barrio Villa Hermosa. During those events we provided activities, Bible lessons, games, food, candy, Jesus, Love and a whole lot of fun. Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry to make events like these possible!!!

We felt honored and privilaged to have so many ministry oppornuities in the month of October to so many different kids from all walks of life. Below are just a few of the pictures from those days throughout the month. Never doubt the impact YOU are making in the lives of these precious children. Please, continue to help us make more of these kinds of days possible!

Independence Day Celebrations

Updates & Indepedence Day Celebration

Kim is back in Guatemala with Ted and Daniel. It's been kind of a rough transition. The first few weeks we all got sick with some kind of cold/flu. Kim came back with a bad case of poison ivy. To be honest I didn't know what is was at first, then it was so out of control. We are all finally healthy and all healed up. Thank you for all your prayers!

Ted has been working with the public school here in Barrio Villa Hermosa helping with some cultural projects to celebrate Guatemala Independence Day. When Ted helped deliver the project to the site, there were lots of other schools and teachers there from schools we have worked in the past. Ted had an unexpected surprise of reconnecting with teachers and administrators. A couple of the schools asked him to come to meet with them to plan future ministry events and projects. Praise God!!! We will keep you up to date on those future opportunities.

The Independence Day Celebrations week has come with some fun surprises. We got to see and spend time with a special friend of TWIY. Migdael! He is now married and living in California with his wife. It was so nice to see him and hear how God is working in his life.

Daniel was chosen to hold one of the flags in the opening procession as he is the top student in his class, and he led his class in a traditional dance along with a classmate. It was beautiful to watch the children participate and great to be working with the teachers and students again here in our own community.

Also, Barrio Villa Hermosa won the school cultural project that Ted helped create. The public school won recognition and a small reward equivalent to $200. We were so blessed to be a part of their celebration. Ted helped with the cultural project, we supplied chips & candy, our small sound system, and a few other details.

Teacher's Independence Day Project

Teacher's Independence Day Project

Barrio Villa Hermosa Teacher's Independence day Project

Ted delivering unfinished Independence Day Project

Ted walking unfinished project to the public school. What a beast!

Teacher's working on project

Teacher's Independence Day finished project.

They Won!!

January – February 2022

Kim and Theodore Treadway

Missionaries to Guatemala

Villa Hermosa, San Benito, Petén

502-55856511 (GUA)

217-706-7436 (USA)

Psalms 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it, “


End of 2021 and new Beginnings

2021 ended with you blessing 500 children in ours and surrounding communities. We started with visits to churches in our community and then went to two nearby communities, El Milagro I and El Milagro II, where we visited two churches and blessed the children of their congregations. After which we continued blessing children in Villa Hermosa, driving through the community and going door to door to find the children to bless them with a present and God’s word. We are thankful for your faithfulness, and especially to those who have continued to help us every year to make this possible. This year was especially important, given we had been under government ordered lockdown for two years, which has meant that we have seen very little of the children in Villa Hermosa who would come to our Bible Club. It may not seem like much, but a gift, some kind words, showing love and affection and including a booklet on God’s word does make a huge difference in the life of a child in a world far away.

Action Bibles means putting the knowledge of Jesus into Action!

January saw the beginning of a new year and along with it the planting of new seeds to help local churches reach the children in their congregations with the knowledge of Christ. Thank you to your continued partnership, efforts were put forth at the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 to get churches and pastors interested in using the Action Bible along with the outlined curriculum in their children’s ministries and outreaches into their local communities. We visited two more Camino Biblico churches where Action Bibles and plans were put in the hands of pastors and children’s ministers to use. We will be following up throughout the year to see how they progress, as we continue to look for churches interested in using these resources to bless and reach their children and youth.

This February we blessed and helped with a larger ministry an hour away from us on the other side of Lake Peten Itza, outside the community of San Andres. The ministry is called Corazones en Accion or Hearts in Action, and they have operated a great ministry to the community of San Andres for 20 years now. Ted was invited to become a part of their ministry at their school called The Jungle School, through teaching English and helping with ministry to the children. Through this invitation, Ted introduced the founders to our Action Bible Program for teaching values and principles to children in the schools. As a result, Ted visited again to help them start using our Action Bible program. He brought the Jungle School 1,000 Action Bibles and 1,000 Story of Jesus booklets to be used in their school, and in the various Bible Clubs that Hearts in Action has helped to create in surrounding communities.

Prayer Request

  • Health and wellness for Kim, Ted and Daniel. Ted has been battling some neurological issues and herniated discs amongst other things since July of last year. Daniel and Ted need to go visit dentist soon, and Kim along with all of us have succumbed to flu-like symptoms multiple times this past year.

  • Wisdom in ministry execution and outreach. The past two years under lock down has been difficult and forced many changes upon us, and the desire of our hearts is to reopen our Bible Club now, while also continuing outreach to the new relationships we are developing with local churches; equipping them with what resources we have in order help them reach their local communities for Christ.

  • Daniel and his well being emotionally and educationally as he is getting older, and we deal with the government and others in allowing him to travel with us. And for us to do the best we can in his home schooling.

  • Partnerships with churches and individuals in the USA, current and new ones, that we will be able to foster a relationship that is mutually beneficial.

Thank you! Keep in Touch!

As we enter another year of service to our Lord here in Guatemala, we reflect upon all that God has allowed us to do, has gotten us through, and literally saved our lives multiple times, and we give thanks to He who commands all and provides us all we need, including friends like you. Without your faith in Jesus, and your commitment to the Great Commission of going and doing and being in the name of Jesus, we would not be able to continue. Yes, it has been difficult the last several years, and yes, our life is more complicated with our little Daniel, but God knew all that would transpire here before we even arrived, and he also had a plan for us here. You have been a part of every blessing, every child’s smile when they receive a Christmas gift, every laugh of a child or youth, every thank you and God bless you we have been told from the people we have been called to serve. Thank you! God is pleased with your answering the call throughout the years and being his hands and feet.

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