Bible Distribution

TWIY Bible Blessing

There are literally hundreds of small upstart churches throughout our area and all of Guatemala. Often, in the eagerness to reproduce itself, the local church sends out willing servants without the resources or backing needed to reach people for Christ. And the truth is, the country, although it has been designated one of the most evangelized in all of Central America, still needs to hear about the Good News. That does not come about without hearing it and being able to read it and use it and have it available so that as people are attracted to the teaching of the Good News by their local pastor, they can get into the Word, during services, in small groups and in their home.

We have always tried to have Bibles available to bless small congregations. We have never had enough Bibles to give away, while at the same time having some for us to use in the Bible Club. During the Pandemic Shutdown of 2020 and 2021, being forced to close our Bible Club, we took to trying to get literature collected already into the hands of small churches. We also began to buy Bibles. Thanks to a few great and generous donors we were able to purchase a total of 600 new Bibles to add to some already purchased. So we are really trying to continue this. This requires extra special funds. The Bibles we get are paperbacked, and often the print face is very small, but the congregations who have received them do not seem to mind, So, we want to continue this program as far and as long as we can. Bible availability is only possible through the work of two other ministries working together to bring and distribute Christian literature and Bibles. So, we purchase from them when we can.

Wouldn't you like to help put the saving knowledge of Christ in the hands of a new believer, or even a believer who never has had their own Bible?