Bible Club

Our Christmas Events always reminds me of

Matthew 14: 13 - 21.

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

2022 Bible Club Christmas Events

Each Year Ted and Kim spend a considerable amount of time in prayer and planning for the Bible Club Christmas events. We ask God to give us a vision for one of our largest events for the year and the supplies to meet the vision. And without fail Kim stresses out about not having enough food, presents or crafts for all children and mothers. However, each and every year God abundantly supplies and we even have left overs. The math never works, what we prepare and what we hand out never adds up. God is so Good, he never fails to meet the needs!! 2022 was no exception! After having to close Bible Club for a little over 2 years we were worried the kids wouldn't come.

This year God gave a vision to do two days of Christmas Celebrations a week apart. The first celebration was on December 16th. We planned for 120 but prayed that we would at least have 50 children in attendance. Wow, were we wrong, roughly about 225 women and children were there that first day! We were praising God for sure but completely humbled and overwhelmed. Everyone was so overjoyed that Bible Club was open. Even though it was extremely hot, stuffy and we were all jammed into the building like sardines you could feel the Spirt of God moving! It was a beautiful day! We wish you all could have been there to experience it with us.

After our first event we knew our second Bible Club event on December 23rd was going to be even bigger. We started planning for 250 but made food for almost 500. The plan for our second Christmas event was to have songs, a teaching by Ted, a short movie, a craft, tamales with hot chocolate and a small gift.

Once again we were blown away & overwhelmed by the attendance. We had about 300 children, women and youth. We were shocked to see 50 youth in attendance! Wow, they were so sweet, respectful, patient and so much fun. Not only was our small little school packed to capacity we had 6 tables & chairs set up outside in the street that were full. It was another beautiful God filled day. We again saw the miracle working power of God. We had more than enough for everyone in attendance and with enough left over to send home with all who gave their time and talents to serve this wonderful group. To God be the Glory, Amen!

Thank You!

Ted and Kim would like to send out a heartfelt Thank You each and everyone of you for your love and dedication to the people of the Peten but especially the children. We want to give a special huge Thank You to Jason and Erin Bland for your God given incite, planning and purchase of all the small gifts you sent back with Kim when she was in the USA. Those gifts turned into a major part of the gift bags this year. God used Jason, Erin and their girls to bless the children of our Barrio in a huge way!! We have always said, we are just the hands and feet, it takes all of us working together to make this ministry run. We would also like to thank all who continue to pray for us, for Daniel, for the work that God allows us to do, and for God's provision and protection. God Bless you all for your love and sacrifice to help us minister God's love and saving Grace.

Bible Club

When we walked into Barrio Villa Hermosa in 2008 and started working with the public school, we quickly realized the needs. The school was a one room tin shack with only one teacher for kindergarten through 6th grade. We began helping the teacher and the school with everything from supplies, crafts, Ted teaching several classes, books, games, and lots of Love. But God was laying it on our hearts to do more!

Ted and Kim spent lots of time in prayer and seeking God's direction. Out of that came… Bible Club!

Bible Club started in that same tin shake which later was affectionatly name the Ministry Shack. To say Bible Club was an instant success would be an understatement. The women, children and occasionally the men were so hungry for the simple gospel that Jesus Love You and Has a Plan for Your Life!

Now after over a decade of Bible Club, ministering to thousands of women and children, building our own facility, teaching/educating hundreds of teachers, pastors and educators our program in villages and barrios across our area…. We are still going strong.

Despite having to close our doors during Covid, we found other ways to minister, educate, disciple and share God’s love. God even opened new doors and avenues for us to share the Gospel.

The children are still hungry to learn God’s word, feel his presence and have a whole lot of fun!!!

Would you consider supporting Bible Club just click the donate button above. Each time we meet we want to continue to provide games, songs, a devotional teaching, worksheets, crafts and a small lunch. With as many as 100 to 150 in attendance supplies can become depleted quickly. However, we consider it such a blessing to have so many attend.

Thank you for your love, prayers and support throughout the many years of Bible Club. Please, check out the rest of the website to see what else God is doing through The World is Yours Ministries.